Acupuncture is the art of inserting fine needles into specific points along the body to influence the flow of Qi (the body's own vital energy). Acupuncture points are located on meridians or pathways that link different structures of the body and conduct the flow of Qi. Damage to these pathways create symptoms like pain, fatigue, immune deficiency and depression for example. Acupuncture aims to restore harmony to the body's systems by treating both the root cause of disharmony as well as the branch or symptoms. Acupuncturists use information supplied by tongue and pulse diagnosis to assess the health of the individual and to inform their application of needles. Acupuncture is known to have a sedative or relaxing effect on the nervous system. Patients often experience a general sense of calm and well-being during and after treatment. Treatments can easily be modified to acupressure if preferred.
A technique that uses glass, plastic and even bamboo and silicone cups to create suction over various parts of the body. This therapy is used to improve circulation of blood and lymph to restore function, reduce pain, strengthen the underlying tissue and promote healing.
A Japanese word meaning "finger pressure", Shiatsu is a form of massage therapy that employs sustained pressure on areas of the body and/or acupuncture points to create changes in the flow of Qi.. Shiatsu practitioners use palpation and to assess the overall health of the vital organs and tissues and to develop a plan specific to the individual.
micro needling
Microneedling is a minimally invasive cosmetic treatment that involves the use of tiny needles that penetrate the outermost layer of the skin. This stimulating therapy induces the release of growth factors that boost collagen and elastin production in the dermis. The needles create channels directly into the dermal layer making the skin more permeable to therapeutic serums saturated in hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid (HA) is a naturally occurring molecule that can hold up to 1,000 times its weight in water! It provides deep hydration to nourish and plump the skin throughout the microneedling process. Each treatment takes about 15-30 minutes to complete, is relatively painless and a powerful, natural alternative to botox and fillers.
gua sha
Gua Sha is a type of massage technique that employs flat tools that gently scrape the muscle tissue with varying degrees of pressure to produce a reddening of the skin. This alleviates metabolic blockages and frees up the flow of Qi, blood and lymphatic fluid. Not only can Gua Sha be used to stimulate the immune system and treat chronic pain, it can also enhance the complexion.
red light therapy
Red light therapy also known as photobiomodulation exposes the body to red or near infrared light for the purpose of healing tissue. This spectrum of waves activates skin cells to produce more ATP, allowing cells to work and repair themselves much more efficiently. Red light has been shown to boost collagen production in the dermal layer of the skin, diminish the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and also assists with discoloration and hyperpigmentation. We proudly use the LightStim Elipsa device in treatment which cleverly provides both red and blue light therapy, an antidote to acne and breakout-prone skin.
qi gong
Qi Gong is a meditative Chinese martial art that links breath to movement initiating a deeply relaxing effect on the body and the mind. It is suitable for all ages and can be incorporated easily into any busy schedule. Community classes offered monthly.
Please contact us to organize private or group classes and events!
Each treatment is enhanced by this beautiful 7 semi-precious stone AcuMicro therapy mat. You can read more about read more about infrared technology and its therapeutic applications in our blog.